Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 27, 2025
What You Know Today You Will See No More
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on January 25, 2025

Yahweh announces His justice!!!
My people, beloved people of Me, I, your Creator God, come to dictate to you the last appeals for conversion.
A volcano is about to erupt, the disaster will be great. Embrace Me, My children, that I may save you, return to Me who am your absolute good.
Beloved children, believe in My Word, instruct yourselves in It. Do not go judging the truths of the Father, be converted! Stand in obedience to the Laws of your Creator God.
Walk in truth, O men, do not waste your time in things that will now be lost forever, I come to renew the Earth, I come to make all things new.
What you know today you will see no more.
God the Father intervenes to stop the madness of the ungodly, He comes to take His children back into Himself, He will put in chains those who have refused to follow His commandments and have denied Him.
The earth trembles, the seas rise, the rivers overflow, the mountains crumble, the fire blazes, the lives of men hang by a thread!
Convert, O men, do not go seeking things that will never satisfy you, your all is in Me, your God Love.
Provide now to make up for your sins, My justice is about to thunder!!!
You do not have to wait for years, time is encompassed in a few months, in a handful of days.
The vibration of the Earth will turn the serenity of this Humanity upside down.
Source: ➥