Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Children, I Give You Great Gifts of the Spirit
Message from Our Savior Jesus Christ to Linda on Long Island, NY, USA of January 19, 2025

My meandering thoughts that I decided to write down - I thought maybe the beginnings of a short book...
Would He have us suffer? His beloved children for whom He seeks so many blessings and gifts? He who has saved us from everlasting darkness. He allows us to suffer? But why? Why must we endure pain and heartbreak and hardship and losses? Why?
He has not said that following Him would be easy. He did not promise this to His Faithful Apostles nor to His Disciples (for there were many). No, He did not promise ease and welcome and understanding. In His painful example, He showed us what might be for us in our Love for Him. He never promised loving our Lord God would be easy, and it is not, is it?
We suffer agonies – illnesses, the death of loved ones, especially our children, setbacks like the loss of our homes, the loss of friendships, the loss of investments, the loss of jobs…well, even the loss of our pets, which can hurt so desperately. We are not immune to these things, and it is unfair to blame our Beloved Jesus.
Because did He not suffer so much more and for our Love? He offers us the choice. We can follow Him, or we can follow the ways of the world, and isn’t the latter easier? We do not have to fight with spouses who disagree with our faithfulness. It is easier for us to hide, because others say we are holy rollers, and we should be ashamed – let us laugh it off. We do not face the threat of the sword by the unfaithful…because we hide our Love for Christ. We are not ashamed…in most cases…but we are afraid of what the world might say to us or about us or do to us. We are not ashamed but desperately afraid.
God has told us that His yoke is light. It is true, because the knowledge of His Love – the absolute understanding of it – because He has graced us with that knowledge, is ineffable and strong and comforting. It makes us lions in the face of challenges. He makes us fearless in His Love.
And we must trust this. We must trust in Him, that no matter what we must face, He is there and will give us strength. He is there, and He asks us to join Him in His suffering upon the Cross.
What an unpopular and unbelievable request! Join Me on the Cross of My Great Suffering!
Who wants to suffer pain, agonies, hurt, insults, abandonment, fear, evil temptations, and death? Not I, for sure. I am so weak and fear every pain that might be hurled at me or at my loved ones. How can I possibly endure the pain of loss or the hugeness of fear?
Well, we cannot. But Jesus can encompass our Hearts and give us the strength we lack. I have always considered, not just Jesus’ sacrifice, but also the horror and dismay of our Beloved Father who must have wept at seeing His Beatific Son so degraded by Man, His very creatures. For He so loved man that He gave His only Begotten Son that we may be saved.
What a parent! What Love! What sacrifice! Could any of us give up our children to save the people around us? Could any of us give up those we love to save others who may not appreciate what we have done?
It is the very rare person who can do this – if anyone. Except for our God who Loves us that much. He endured the pain of seeing His Beloved Son reduced, and yet, in His infinite wisdom, knowledge, and omnipresence, He did so.
So how can we be upset when we are asked to share the Cross of His Beloved Son. Can’t we see this as a blessing? A difficult thought and feeling to be sure. I think about especially the parents who have lost a child – at any age. The hollowness is ineffable. I say that with a complete lack of experience. I have never had children, but I have been made, by the Will of God, to feel the agony experienced by parents.
I have felt God’s dismay and His desire for us. I wish I could enclose parents in this love and trust and understanding. I cannot, but God can. He will do so for even those who lack His guidance, for those who do not know Him, and for those who are angry with Him. Especially those who are angry.
The hurt is too great…so great. Your child gone…but remember, our Lord God also lost His Child. He witnessed His suffering. We are made in His image, and so, is it so difficult to believe that the torturing of His Son as a human entity, as the Divine Person, could not make Him hurt and weep and feel the pain of His Son’s degradation?
I do not think so, nor do I believe that we are above or exempt from suffering if our Lord, Jesus Christ was not exempt Himself.
How arrogant are we. How spoiled and loved and small. Yet, God loves us beyond our understanding. If we trust in Christ, life becomes easier and perhaps more tolerable. We feel the aches and pains of loss. We are not immune to the tribulations of life. But aren’t we in great company?
Who are we who are so much lesser than our Lord, Jesus Christ to complain or wonder or doubt? Surely, we must cry. Surely, we must express our angst and grief and disbelief and questions. It is natural to do to so and right. Rail against God for your pain! Express it! Let Him understand with all of your heart what has happened to your heart. And accept His comfort and Love.
How much easier will your grief become? It will exist, but it will not crush you or your life. You will feel joy again, and your memories will be bolstered by love.
Trust in Christ. He craves our love and rejoices when we turn to Him in our angst and in our joys. He is our Loving Parent. Believe in that.
And regarding the difficulties placed before us by the world and all the lies meant to mislead us away from our Savior, Christ Jesus, you must pray.
(He has laid His Hand upon my Heart, and this is the message He has sent us in His Mercy…)
You must know the Word. You must know what God accepts and does not accept. Do not flounder, and do not fear.
Have I not shown you the strength of your prayers? Have I not expressed the power of My Love?
Have I not expressed the wonders you may do in the name of the Father who finds you so sweet and covers you with His Most Tender Love?
Children of My Heart, do not become distressed. Do not think that I leave you to endure the worst by yourselves. I am always with you, and I give you strength to endure whatever places itself before you. I give to you discernment. I give to you strength. I give to you My Love which provides all that you need.
Believe in Me. Believe in My Love. Trust in Me and trust in My Love. I do not abandon My Children but raise you up. I do not create chaos and doubt for you. I lift you up. I do not wish pain upon you, nor do I increase its strength. I give you strength, and I lessen your pains. Trust in Me.
Trust in Me and Me alone. Do not trust the words of Man, for they are transient. Look to the Shepards who are true to My Word. Read the Bible and pray the Rosary and you will be guided by the Holy Spirit, the Love of My Beloved Mother, and by My Endearing Love.
Oh, Children of My Heart, the fire within My Heart burns for you. I am your Savior, and I long for your love. How I thirst for your presence in My Home. I pour blessings – ineffable blessings – upon you when you reconcile yourself and partake of My Love. The Host of Love is a Holy blessing. It is My Sacrifice for your love and a covenant that those who Love Me and believe in Me and who follow Me shall not be doomed to hell.
Children, My yoke is light. Is Love so heavy as to weigh you down? When has Love ever been a burden? When has Love brought you unhappiness or pain? My yoke is light, and My Love lightens your spirit beyond all worldly things or what you perceive to be treasure.
Those who are wealthy, share your wealth. Those who are kindly, be kindly to strangers. Those who can speak to opposing enemies, bring peace. Those who can discern, teach.
Children, I give you great gifts of the Spirit. Listen and be still. Trust that My Love is so strong that each of you are precious, special, unique, needed, and created for Heaven.
My Love for you will do all things. My Love will change the course of waters and bring mountains down to rubble. Trust in Me, and I will open all doors according to My Will.
Trust and live in unity with My Will. It is My Will for you that you understand the beauty and endless joy of what I want for you. I give to My Children good gifts. I do not fail you, nor do I betray you. I am ever with My Children, and I guide you with the Holy Spirit when you are prayerful. I am with you, longing for your Love and notice. One word from you, one acknowledgement of My Gifts, fills Me with ecstasy. How I Love you, My Beloveds.
Trust in Me. Trust in Me. Pray the Rosary according to My Beloved Mother’s request. You know not how powerful one simple prayer from you is – an acknowledgement of the beauty I created for you; a thanks for another day; the sharing of your day-to-day life….it is all beautiful and important and interesting to Me. Do not think that your prayers must be formal and rote. No, I crave your interactions. I crave your notice. I crave you and your Love.
Children of My Burning Heart, prepare. I do not want you to fear but to trust in Me. The disciplining of My Beloved Children is an act of mercy that shall save many. That is My ultimate wish – to bring as many Children to Me before justice must test.
Trust in Me, and I protect you and give you strength. Remember, you may not be immune to tragedy, but Love Me and trust in Me, and I shall give to you great strength and comfort to endure those things. You are with Me and carry My Cross with Me in these times.
There are others who must lead My Beloved Children, those who do not know My Words of Love. Trust in My Good Shepards and protect them with your prayers. So many of My Beloved Servants are led astray by what they see and what they read and what they have come to believe. They no longer trust in My Love and guidance but have been swayed by the World. There are so many good Servants led astray, and so I request that you pray for each of them, even with the knowledge that some work against Me. I can turn any and every heart by your prayers, even those who have been absolutely misled or turned against Me.
Children of My Heart, I am ever with you. I do not abandon My Children, but remember that I am not an intrusive God. I will not demand your Love but long for it. I thirst for it. A demand for Love is worthless if Love is not given freely. How I long for your Love. It is so precious to Me, and you are so precious to Me.
Every Child who is lost, engulfed by pain, who believes they are worthless…Children, you are Mine. You are made in My Image and are therefore absolutely precious to Me. There is nothing that you have done that I cannot forgive. I will raise you up from your shame and guilt and sin gladly, with the unconditional Love of the Parent you have not known.
Children, you are My Heart. Trust in My Love and allow Me to lift you up. I call to each of you – the prostitute, the one who deals poison to others, the cheaters, the liars, the thieves, and those who deny Me; I will lift up those who have been betrayed by this World, who are left lonely, impoverished, afraid…I am your Loving Parent.
Replace all your painful memories with the actions of a Loving Parent. A Loving Parent does not scream; a Loving Parent does not wound you; a Loving Parent showers you with Love and understanding in their discipline.
Children, you are so easily wounded and made to feel unworthy. Know that You are Worthy. You are My Biggest Loves. Believe in Me, My Children. Believe that you are beloved to Me.
My Children, My Prayerful Children, guide others to Me. Show them how to pray. Show them that I Love being in every single part of their life, no matter how small. I crave to know how My Children feel when they awake every morning and what nourishes them and what annoys them that I may give them joy and patience. I want to know every interaction they have with others, for better or worse, because I will assuage their souls for every slight and hurt.
Oh, Children of My Heart, trust in Me and My Love for you. It is truly strong, ineffable, and BIG.
Trust in Me and place your hearts and minds and souls within My Loving Hands. Do not go astray. Do not stray from Me, but learn and maintain your faith in Me. Let Me strengthen you against the coming deceptions. Let me strengthen you to endure what comes to this aching world.
Oh Man, why do you torture yourself? How I love you and will give you My Mercy in the midst of your fear, inequities, falls, and doubts. My Mercy is yours. I long for the Heart that seeks My Mercy. Trust in Me. Know what I accept and what I do not accept. Know My Word and do not falter.
Know that My Love and My Word are not transient. My Laws are not transient but have endured all changes through time. My Children, I give to you My Love and Peace.
Peace, My Beloved Children. I give to you My Peace.
Source: ➥