Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Worship Me, Love Me, Adore Me
Message and Prayer to Jesus Child of Prague to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on January 17, 2025

Praise My Father. It is I, the Divine CHILD of PRAGUE. Worship Me, love Me, adore Me. I will bestow many graces on My devotees and servants.
Pray to Me thus:
O Divine Child of Prague, hear Me. I need You now more than I once did. I am lost in worldly ways, in dark ways that You know.
Out of apathy, boredom, disappointment I have sought comfort and joy in the world. Save me.
Thou alone can save me, for Thou art MERCIFUL AND PITIFUL, COMPASSIONATE GOD.
You know that I need forgiveness, healing, deliverance, salvation. I do not always follow You and listen to You. I do not always obey You and love You. I am like a lame sheep who seeks help and help in You, Supreme Good.
Exempt me, deliver me from all enemies, and give me comfort and peace in my heart.
Divine Child of Prague, help me with Thy Holy Spirit and Mary Queen. I cling to Thy Holy Royal Robe. Glory, Honor, Power and Magnificence to You, Divine Majesty.
Teach me to love and forgive. Restore me with Thy Love and let me feel the Fire of Trinitarian Charity. Amen.
Erect HOLY ALTARS in homes and there honor Me. I am there where there is prayer, faith, charity. I LIVE IN HEARTS, MY TRUE TEMPLES, WHERE THE COVENANT OF THE NEW ALLIANCE IS ENGRAVED.