Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
A Christmas Message to the People of the United States of America & to the Whole World
Message from Our Lady of America to Ned Dougherty at St Rosalie’s Campus, Hampton Bays, NY, USA on December 25, 2024

I come to you today on this Feast Day in celebration of the Birth of My Son, Jesus Christ, who is your Lord and Saviour as ordained by the Father in Heaven for all of humanity.
Just as My Son, Jesus, was born into this world over 2,000 years ago, He is living among you today just as fully now as He was then. Perhaps not in a physical way, but even more powerfully – in the Spirit, for He is very much among you now to steer your great country into the future as desired by the Father in Heaven. Perhaps you have recognized that miracles have been happening among you to assist you in moving the United States of America forward as the Father in Heaven has intended for you at this time – and as opposed to the plan of the evil one who has been so powerful lately in attempting to thwart the Father’s Plan for humanity.
The evil one shall not prevail in his plans, for the Father in Heaven is directly overseeing His Son’s journey with you today to ensure that the United States of America becomes great once again, as well as again becoming a beacon of light for other democracies throughout the world that have looked upon the United States of America as a shining example of what God has intended for the world’s humanity to govern itself – in many single and separate nations living in harmony together under the plan of the Father in Heaven.
The evil one knows now that his end is near, so he is even more dangerous now than in the past, and his evilness will know no boundaries or limitations as he continues to gather his minions to attack the plan of the Father in Heaven. Therefore, you must be ever more vigilant on this day of celebrating the Birth of Your Lord and Saviour and continue to be vigilant in the years to come, for the End Times have not yet concluded and the evil one is still a mortal threat to all of humanity.
Watch for the signs as satan’s minions crawl out from their places of hiding and spread like cockroaches throughout your country as well as the rest of the world. You may recognize them by the labels to which they admit – Marxism, communism, and socialism – but these cockroaches feasting upon humanity are like chameleons and will disguise themselves however they can – to infect and brainwash the unsuspecting citizens among you who are still living in the dark.
Although the evil one is still powerfully in control of much of the world’s governments, the evil one’s control is that of a house of cards, for the countries controlled by the ‘isms’ – Marxism, communism, and socialism – as well as by the ‘globalist elites’ – will collapse under the weight of the citizens demanding to live in freedom as the Father in Heaven intended for all of humanity. As the United States of America becomes stronger and stronger as a beacon of light, the rest of the world will unite against the evil one and the Father’s plan shall prevail!
So be it! Thanks be to God!
However, the greatest threat to the future of the United States of America may not come from without but from within, for your citizenry is still plagued by those who have fallen victim to and have become brainwashed by the evil one through his minions and his ‘isms’ that have deluded many of your brothers and sisters to the point that they now live in vicious hatred of the United States of America and the American Way.
For the past four years – while the legitimate office of the President of the United States has remained "vacant" – a corrupt and illegitimate ‘committee’ – err cartel – has allowed an invasion of gangsters and terrorists to invade your country and they fully intend to utilize these outlaws to create chaos, division, and terrorism in your country, and unbelievably, many of your own citizens – still caught up in the brainwashing of their captors – will actually support those who violently attack your law-abiding citizenry and institutions.
Therefore, expect that the evil one’s minions will retaliate in the near future. Their recent assassination attempts will continue into the future. Expect ‘false flag’ attacks that are intended to not only eliminate many of you – even by nuclear terrorism – but also by dividing the remainder of you who survive their terrorism and war. It is an unfortunate reality that many of your brothers and sisters have morally degenerated into such hatred for the United States of America that they will assist the invaders and readily resign themselves to self-destruction.
Therefore, as Powerful Prayer Warriors, you must be eternally vigilant that you must now confront the enemy without as well as the enemy within! You must confront and challenge your own brothers and sisters: "You are either with the Father in Heaven or against Him!"
I ask you to forgive Me for burdening you with such a message on the day we celebrate the Birth of the Saviour of humanity, My Son, and Your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, but the truth must be told!
Today, you will celebrate the Birth of the Saviour of the world!
And tomorrow, your solemn work begins!
Source: ➥