Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, July 19, 2024

The Last Days Have Come, Everything Will Be Extinguished. A Pandemic Will Be Announced, Caused by Unrighteous Man

Message from Our Lord Jesus and God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on July 17, 2024


Jesus says:

I bless you in the Name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Heart is pierced with many spears, I see betrayal on all sides! I see that My children do not listen to the Word of God and go their own ways.

God's charity is in each of His children, but they do not listen and do not want to place the same charity on their brothers and sisters.

Today is a special day, My children. Heaven holds a secret that shortly Humanity will know.

My beloved children, I have asked you many times to be united, to be one heart and one soul, to be associated in the mission, to share everything. The mission is God's, the mission is one. Give love, give charity, give help!

The time is short now, soon the sky will darken and a thick cloud will sweep over Humanity.

I asked for shelters to unite you all in the same place. I asked you to cooperate, I asked you to stand, to be present. I asked for your presence and your total giving in Totustuus, but you are still thinking about the things of the world, you are still in the world, you are still in vanity, you are using the word of God for your own purposes, nothing affects you anymore! You are left alone because you wanted it!

You, you have turned away from God! You, you have made your own life, your own idea, your own plan. My children, how much longer must I take you back? How much longer must I ask you to return to Me?

Stand by My side, follow My lead, do My will and not your own.

The lights of the world dazzle, it is true, you are in the world and you are human, you are in your human misery, however, I have selected this Humanity and called you to follow Me, to follow My Work, to follow My plans. Now, in the difficulties, I am at the side of these people who are suffering and giving their all so that My plan will be fulfilled and everything will return to the right way. Have love for these people, you who can at least do it, you who have the willingness, because I, the Lord, see everything, nothing can be hidden from My eyes.

Cooperate for My Work, donate for My Work, arrange My shelters, do not lack anything in My shelters because soon I will call and if when this happens and someone does not hear their name spoken they will die of fear.

The last days have come, the time has come, everything now closes, everything goes out.

Shortly this distant people, because they are far from Me, will be hospitalized in their homes for a long time because of a pandemic that will be announced to you , caused by man himself, by unrighteous man. If you do not stand together, do not share,the moment you have you needs, I will abandon you, I will leave you in your world, I will leave you alone as you are doing with Me.

I am waiting, waiting, waiting for answers!

I await, especially from the called children, their total yes to Me.

I bless you again in the Name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Source: ➥