Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, October 2, 2023

Without Repentance There Is No Forgiveness; without Forgiveness There Is No Salvation!

Message Given by Our Lord Jesus for the Chosen Ones of the End Time to a Soul to Reach the Heart of Every Man


Little one, My beloved, who lives happily in My Heart, see how much space there is in it: it can contain the whole world! Every man has his place assigned to him, without distinction of race, color, religion or custom. Every man is Mine, he is a creature willed by Me, created by Me, loved by Me. To be Mine I formed her, for the great happiness of belonging to Me I formed her; but I also gave her the greatest Gift that makes her similar to her Creator: freedom.

I do not expect anyone to be saved by force, but by free personal choice. If I wanted to act by force, who would stop Me? Who could say to Me: "Why do you do this or that?" I can do anything; but I do not want to do this: what merit would man have without freedom to act? No one! Everyone must know that salvation must be attained, with difficulty, with sacrifice, with renunciation, especially at the beginning of the journey; then, when My Grace permeates the soul and every fiber of the body, everything becomes easier, easier and easier, until the disgust of guilt is reached.

I offer everything to all men, but I demand obedience to My Laws, I demand docility and submission, I demand sincere repentance, in case of transgression, I demand that we act not out of fear, but out of love, I demand that man free himself from pride, the origin of all evils, and that he confidently abandon himself to Me.

Only he is saved who has the will to do so, who has recourse to My Mercy with a contrite heart, for his sins.

Without repentance there is no forgiveness; Without forgiveness there is no salvation!

Serve Me with zeal. Bring to Me the souls that I send to meet you. You are My joy: a drop in an ocean of bitterness!


Source: ➥