Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, April 28, 2023
The Hour Beats Its End!
Message from Our Lady Queen to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of April 26, 2023

Most Holy Mary says:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I bless you.
Look around you My children:
observe everything around you in this place today, for tomorrow you will no longer recognize it. Everything will be different, it will shine with the light of the Savior God, of the One who will soon descend from His Heaven to embrace all His Children to Himself and place them in a new Earth, in a world made of delights and infinite joy. My Children. I love you!!!
How I wish that all of you would truly embrace this call by giving of yourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ, to Him who gave His own life for your salvation.
Today I ask this of you:
do not waver any longer, do not let down your guard, lift up your eyes to Heaven and go forth to fight against the enemy. The time is closed, My children!
These are the last moments that God grants to men for their own conversion: each child will have to give answers of his earthly deeds, of his living, both good and bad!
God still grants man the opportunity to be able to choose whether to stay with his Creator, or, go to Hell with the enemy. Satan destroyed Creation: corrupted Humanity, stole the hearts of many Children of God, however, God will take them back into Himself.
Today He is allowing these trials so that people will open their eyes and realize what they are heading for.
Satan's promises will fall My children; his lights will go out while the Light of the Eternal God will shine forever.
Embrace this Light My children, it is the light from Above, close forever with the darkness of this world by turning away from the voice of the Evil One, the one who seeks to seduce you moment by moment. It is all false, My children! Beware! Beware of falling into his deception.
Wake up! It is only a short time away now, My children!
The Holy Spirit is already hovering over the hearts of men: open them to the Holy Spirit so that they may receive His gifts, be renewed in the Image and Likeness of the Living God!
The hour beats its end!
My children, believe what I tell you:
you are at the end of an ancient history, you are about to enter a new time: life will be different, it will be joyful, never again will you feel sorrow in you and never again will you have to fight with Evil, because God opens His Land to you: "that" where His Children will rejoice forever, taken by the hand of their Creator God. It is infinite joy, My Children!
Do not be discouraged if today many things do not go as you would like; verily I say unto you that you are already in the new time: do not waste what you have sweated until now to have come so far ... you will be God's chosen ones, you will be those whom God will raise up to Himself and give of Himself forever. Come on My children: I am the Virgin of Carmel, I am the Mother of all Nations, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother,
I come to your rescue!!! I come to take you by the hand, to reassure you and make you strong in this final challenge.
My children, go with a smile! Go with a smile! You are God's chosen ones! Keep yourselves strong in Christ Jesus, lest you fall into Satan's deception, he is ready to trip everyone up, watch out! I love you and bless you always!
At all times I live with you, I am with you, I lead you, do not be afraid of anything! I am by your side. Amen. May the Holy Trinity bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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