Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, April 21, 2023
God Is About to Open the Gates of the New Era
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of April 19, 2023

Here I am to you, My Children, I am all yours: My Heart is in you, now everything will be smoothed out for the Children of God!
Love always, charity everywhere, beloved Mine, ... love one another as I love you.
I am the God Love, I am the Perfect Love: be like Me who so love you.
The ways of Heaven are open to all who are converted and desire to live life in Life.
Blessed are My children,
put on the white robe in you, yearn for the Things of God, forsake Evil, cherish your souls that they may shine with the same light as your Creator God. Heaven is waiting to feast with all His Children:
the Banquet is ready. Angels will accompany the "Elect" to the One who will admit them to His Table, ...
great will be the feast; Heaven will finally get His Children back, the Father will embrace them all and make them happy in Himself. His Abode is great, they will partake of festive banquets, ... they will delight in the Chalice of Eternal Life. Repent O man, forsake sin!
This Humanity has turned away from its Creator God,
lives life abashed to the things of this world, worships other idols, forgets its Creator God. God is about to open the doors of the New Era, the time is ripe!
Arrange, O My People, to begin a new time of life in joy and love.
God awaits the participation of His own to open the gates of the New Era, where He will make the new generation, those faithful to Him, dwell!
Source: ➥