Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
God Manifests Himself to Men, That They May Believe and Be Converted
Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of April 9, 2023

Open the doors to Christ!
Serve your King: love Him with all your heart; soon you will dwell in the ways of Infinite Love and be happy forever.
Let My People rejoice in Me; let them raise their cry of love to their Creator God.
The Seal has already been opened; the will of the Living God is in place: everything will suddenly be unleashed! In a single instant the world will be transformed.
God's Mercy is great but His Justice will also be great!
Confess your sins O men; pray to the Holy Spirit!
Repent O men, CONVERT yourselves!
Here is the time of the Great Revelation, God manifests Himself to men, that they may believe and be converted; this is grace My children! This is Love!
The Light of the world will embrace the hearts of His Children: it will be the long-awaited Easter, the Jerusalem on Earth! New Life! New heavens and new Earth!
Hear My call for salvation O men! I, the Creator God, urge your conversion. Surrender yourselves to Me, My children, for soon you will be in Me if you accept My saying! ... If you embrace Me in you, you will festively enter the Heavenly Jerusalem.
The Garden of a Thousand Fragrances awaits the Children of God: here you will find evergreen meadows, springs of fresh water and love, love, infinite love.
God is your only Good, O men; His Chalice has been poured out for you, do not forsake His Grace!
All is imminent, the floodgates of heaven are opening at the return of Jesus the Savior! The battle is on! The Angels of Heaven are already fighting against the angels of evil; shortly your God will manifest His glory to you! Amen.
I bless My People!
Go ahead My children, I am your true Feast!
I am the God with you!
The perfect Easter!
I am the Sun that warms, the Light that lights the way.
I am the Life! God is the One who "IS" the PERFECT KING! Amen.
Source: ➥