Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Prepare Yourselves, O Men, for the Transfiguration
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of March 17, 2023

Beloved daughter, write, write to My people:
Believe firmly in Him Who Is!
Beloved children, you are about to begin another life, your history on Earth comes to an end; another world awaits you in the infinite beauties of My love.
Keep Me in your hearts, ... celebrate Me in them, without ceasing, ... your ordeal ends here with the end of Satan!
Men of Galilee, come jubilant to the meeting with your God Love, your God King!
Love Me, O men, with all your hearts. Centuries have passed, but your God will never pass away!His Word is One and One will remain. Come out into the open My children, seek one another; hold Prayer Suppers Meetings. As Children of the Most High God, stand together! Do not be afraid of the adversary. Stand firm in My Doctrine. Never turn back. Carry on toward Me. An aurora borealis is coming with Mary Most Holy.
She will enter your homes so that all may be given the opportunity to believe in the Living God.
I will be with Her and bless every Child who opens his heart to Me.
Prepare yourselves, O men, for the transfiguration, let Me have you all "Mine."
The storm will suddenly break out, this Humanity will enter despair if it has not returned to its Creator God.
Come to Me, My children, do not be foolish, place yourselves safely in My arms.
I love you, I long for you, I await your conversion . ... Forward without fear!
Fortify yourselves in Me My children, so that Evil can do nothing upon you.
Source: ➥