Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, February 16, 2023
My Priests … Return to Me! Do Not Disappoint Your God! Do Not Turn a Deaf Ear!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on February 15, 2023

As Father and God I come to save My People from eternal death.
My children, gather in prayer, plead for My Mercy, you are about to be overwhelmed by the rubble of your own evil: sin!
Jesus is still on the Cross; His pain is endless, He still dies for you, you who do not want to be saved.
Death grips your hearts, your eyes are dulled to the vision of your surroundings. Still planning your future on this Earth you will soon have no more! Everything will collapse on you ... because of man's sin. Everything will be destroyed, everything will be lost! My children, the world is heading for complete destruction,
but you do not want to see, you are caught up in the glare of the enemy and follow him. Now I come to you O Priests who say you are "Mine" but in truth you are only your own!!!
Return to Me, surrender yourselves to Me, divest yourselves of the pride that reigns in you, do not disappoint your God, He who anointed you to be His! Be true soldiers in the service of God's True Church! Do not be dazzled by false lights, ... recognize them as false! Put back your cassock and run to Me, O My Priests. Get back on the right path, return to your God Love, do not turn a deaf ear! I am waiting for your return to Me; do not lose yourselves in the enticements of the Devil, do not aim at the things of this world, raise your eyes to Me and resume the path that I have indicated to you; follow the Footsteps of your Master, ... do not lose yourselves beloved My children! Do not lose yourselves! The hour of the great challenge has come; the enemy sharpens his mighty weapons and you must be able to repel them lest they scourge Me.
I am thirsty! I thirst for you. My children,
My children, return to your Father in Heaven! Repent! Repent quickly O "anointed ones of the Lord!" Come on, beloved Sons, come out of Babylon, return to the fold where your Father awaits you to make you His own for eternity. The ways of the world are full of snares; the blood of men is shed on Earth, man has become wicked, he kills his brothers for his own end, petty power.
Verily I say unto you, O men:
the hours allotted to you for your conversion are almost over; the hurricane of death stretches from North to South, from East to West! I warn you, O men: ... the time of the things of this world is over Do not be bold but prepare to enter the new Earth! Amen!!!
Source: ➥