Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
You Are About to Meet the Antichrist…
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on January 31, 2023

Beloved children, in My infinite Love I come to plead with you for conversion; I long to snatch you from this world of evil, I long to have you back Mine, to bring you back to Me to live the true life in Me.
The Gate of My Garden is open to those who follow My Doctrine, those who, with so much love, devote themselves to the Things of His Father in Heaven.
You are about to meet the Antichrist, My children, beware! ... with his charm he will catch many souls.
Be vigilant!
Let your hearts be turned to Me, yearning for the Things of God. Be in purity of heart, steadfast in faith in Christ the Lord, lest you fall into deception! Do not listen to the words of the unrighteous man! Do not be stubborn, abandon Evil, ... return to Good! God wants to save His Children, but they must surrender to Him in body and soul.
My children, not the world will give you life , but only your God Love, your Creator, your only Good.
An infinity of lights, they light up on the earth; ... they shine, ... but, they are false lights!
My poor children, oh you who believe the Lie, verily I say unto you:
open your eyes, turn away from the glitter that attracts you, Satan is lurking, he will try by all means at his disposal to lead you away from the Truth and he will do it by deception. I still call men to vigilance: ... beware of what you are shown: deception is in the world.
These are the Father's final pleas to a people who have gone astray, who can no longer find their way home because Satan has made them blind.
It is the Creator God who calls His Children back to Himself lest they be lost, lest they fall into Satan's deadly net: ... his accursed plan is to take them with him to Hell.
God mourns His creature fallen into the miseries of Lucifer, ... mourns the God Love, the God Creator!
What God and what Father will maintain Power over His Children: ... will intervene to bring them back to Himself.
Thunders the Voice of the Creator from the height of His Heaven!
From Mount Zion echoes His cry of sorrow, His wrath will be upon the traitors.
Repent, O men! Repent! Repent!
Source: ➥