Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Here I Am, My Children, Coming to You to Gather My Army…
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of January 8, 2022

I saw Mama, She had a white veil on Her head and a crown of twelve stars, a blue mantle on Her shoulders that reached down to Her feet that barefoot rested on the world. Mama's dress was white and at Her waist a gold belt. In Her hands Mamma held a casket and the crown of the holy rosary. On Mama's left was St. Michael the Archangel as a great leader with armor and a sword in His right hand.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Here I am, My children, coming to you to gather My army, an army that fights against evil, My army ready with the crown of the holy rosary in My hands, for there is no stronger weapon than prayer against evil, My army that knows how to pause on its knees before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, My army that knows how to love and forgive, My army that knows how to pray without ceasing, without tiring, that offers everything to the Lord. My children, if you want to be part of My army say your yes with strength and conviction, take the crown in your hands and pray. My beloved children, do not fear I am with you.
While Mama was saying this, I had a vision: I saw Italy torn apart, divided in two and shaken by strong tremors, I saw warships in the Mediterranean and tanks in St. Peter's Square, then Mama resumed.
My children, do not fear, I am with you and in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph. My children, I love you and I come to lead you to Christ, I guide you, I hold you by the hand and the most tried I carry in My arms. Please children, let Me carry you like children in their mother's arms, please children let Me love you. My children I am with you always, I listen to you and wait for you with open arms, come to Me My children and I will lead you to Christ, I love you children, I love you.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.