Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, August 18, 2022
The Battle Intensifies, and the Soldiers of the Battalion Lose Strength…
Message from God The Father to Lorena – June 29, 2022

I, GOD THE FATHER, as a loving and eternal FATHER, come to give you a message for My faithful remnant and the Militant Army of My Son.
The Battle intensifies, and the soldiers of the battalion lose strength, because the atmosphere is tense and the demons have been released from the underworld, inducing people lacking in grace to sin more and to offend, above all, everything Sacred. A dense darkness is felt by the souls docile to the Holy Spirit and a dream and numbness at the time of praying. The satanic masses and shamanic rituals have gained strength in recent years and proliferate, in order to attract the attention of My children to them, so that, through them, they remain infested and confused at the mercy of the enemy of the soul, for this reason I ask you to protect yourself from any attack from the adversary, living a life of grace and prayer to Heaven, to protect your spiritual integrity and that of your family and not fall prey to the tricks of the evil one.
I will give you this powerful prayer of protection that will protect you from the demonic forces that will enter your senses to awaken in you the desire for power, lust, hatred, envy, selfishness, pride, which materialize in abominable sins in My eyes. All this enters through the senses, so we will protect them, as well as the mind, the soul of each person, through this prayer:
I, as a child of GOD THE FATHER, protect myself with the Blood of the Slain Lamb, from any attack on my senses, mind, soul and spirit that come from the evil one. Through the protection of Saint Michael the Archangel, I remove from myself any unclean spirit that seeks to penetrate my entire being, to make it dark and weaken my feelings, soul and spirit, leaving an open door to the demons of the air that seek to penetrate and sow in me, feelings of hatred, selfishness, pride, anger, lust, laziness, coming to commit sins that offend my GOD. I hide in the wounds of the Son and with the Power of the Holy Trinity, I ask to be sealed and protected from all evil. Amen.
The forces of evil are very strong, therefore, pray this prayer every day before starting your daily activities and, above all, before leaving home, so that you can NOT be touched by demons and induced to fall more easily into sins. You must take care of your spiritual integrity with prayer, penance and fasting. And grow spiritually, abandoning oneself in My Will. I will guide and protect you as I did My people Israel. Cheer up! So that you can be strong in combat and be reborn and renew your strength, attend Eucharistic adoration.
Learn to live in My Divine Will and everything will be given to you. I take care of you, guide and protect you. Fear not, I your FATHER loves you with true love. I, the Alpha and the Omega created you out of love. I wait for you back home to enjoy your inheritance, Eternal Life. We are waiting for you at the Wedding of My Son.
Your FATHER GOD YAHVEH who loves you.
Source: ➥